Projekt Atol Institute and Šum journal are pleased to announce Worlds’ End Hackathon, the second edition of ARIA, Algo-Rhythmic Ideation Assembly, a unique summer school happening in Slovenia

15 April – 26 May 2024 @ Moderna galerija Ljubljana & Kreativni center Krušče

What is ARIA?

ARIA is a summer school designed as a role-playing game that takes place through the lens of a fiction-theory narrative to explore ways of imagining new possibilities for what our world can be in a time of changing planetary ecology.

The second edition of ARIA is dedicated to spectrality and the ends of worlds, exploring rituals for mourning, and ways of interfacing with the specters of the (deep) past and future that haunt our ecologically fragile planet. It brings together artists, critical thinkers, and experts from diverse fields for an intensive that starts with two days of public events (lectures and discussions) and continues with five days of a closed-door RGP (Real Game Play) experience with workshops by invited mentors.

How is it structured?

The summer school consists of two connected parts: Public programme (lectures, screenings and discussions), and a closed-door role-playing game that includes daily workshops by visiting mentors engaging with somatic techniques, supersensory awareness, performative ethnography and narrative co-creation with synthetic intelligence. 

Who are the lecturers and mentors?

Áron Birtalan, Alice Bucknell, Carina Erdmann, Ida Hiršenfelder, Lucia Pietroiusti, Lukáš Likavčan, Omsk Social Club, Špela Petrič, Emma Waltraud Howes + more TBA

Where & when is ARIA? 

What’s the theme?

The second edition of ARIA is dedicated to spectrality and the ends of worlds, exploring rituals for mourning, and ways of interfacing with the specters of the (deep) past and future that haunt our ecologically fragile planet. 

What to expect?

Selected participants will attend the public programme, followed by a five-day immersive role-playing experience – Worlds’ End Hackathon – designed and facilitated by Omsk Social Club.

Worlds’ End Hackathon is a real game play (RGP), an experimental role-played work that takes place through the lens of a collectively fictioned process-based Live narrative. The narrative is centred around the idea of a group of strangers meeting without prior knowledge of each other and attempting to perform a succession of ritual worldings. The group attempts to form a series of hyper-worlding sigils that effectively provides multi-stable images of new interdependent flourishing ruins beyond this reality stack. Making palpable and demonstrable the need for the end of the world as we know it whilst simultaneously hacking an alternative ecology for the living. 

The work will have no public audience, practising 24/7 immersion with added inputs from visiting practitioners, for our friends from the future are already with us. The work will be live for 72 hours, sandwiched between one day of preparation and one day of debriefing. 

Before the start of the summer school an online preparatory session with Omsk Social Club will be organised for the selected participants. You will also receive a handbook with the introduction to the mechanics of ARIA, rules of engagement, the initial story as well as the outlines of the characters to develop and inhabit.  

What is the fee?

The course fee is 200 EUR per participant. It covers: 

  • shared accommodation throughout the programme, 
  • one dinner with the mentors and the ARIA team during the public programme,
  • and three vegetarian meals per day during the role-play prepared by an in-house cook. Necessary dietary restrictions will be accommodated.

Accommodation: Ljubljana The organiser will provide shared accommodation for the days of the public program, but the participants are free to arrange their own if they so please. Krušče – The shared accommodation will be arranged during the role-play. It will be necessary to stay on site in the organized quarters.

Travel: Participants are responsible for organising their own travel to and from Ljubljana at the start and end of the programme. However, the transport between the two locations (Ljubljana-Krušče) during the programme will be arranged by the organiser. 

The selected applicants are expected to be present for the full duration of the intensive (17st – 23th August) and participate in the role-playing format designed by Omsk Social Club.

How to apply

Application procedure

The roleplay intensive is designed for up to 15 participants in addition to the mentors and facilitators. There are no restrictions regarding age, education or experience.

How to apply

  • Fill out the application form HERE.

The application deadline is Sunday, May 26, 2024. The results will be announced no later than June 10, 2024 via email. 

Should you have any questions or need more information, feel free to contact us.


✴ Mission statement

ARIA is a gathering of hyperstitional agents, a chorus of in/human voices on a mission to immanentize the eschatological horizons.

ARIA is an exercise in unworlding, unnaming, unlearning, and unbinding the entrenched structures of mankind’s current collective hallucination, so that a second rhythm, a refrain for a second life in the material world can start to emerge; planting the seeds for a second nature and our second bodies as the existent ones foreclose around us.

By engaging in unnatural participation with anomalous alliances through techniques of unsorcery and anthropoforming disguised as play with maximal bleed, ARIA will manifest an arrivant cosmo-grammar from chaosmosis to invoke new intra-world visions.


ARIA is developed by Tjaša Pogačar and Brandon Rosenbluth and organized by Projekt Atol Institute in collaboration with Šum journal as part of the More-Than-Planet project.

ARIA is co-funded by the European Union as part of the Creative Europe framework and supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the City of Ljubljana – Department for Culture.

ARIA, Algo-Rhythmic Ideation Assembly
Worlds’ End Hackathon
Time: 17 – 23 August 2024
Venues: Museum of Modern Art Ljubljana and Krušče Creative Center, Slovenia
Curated by: Tjaša Pogačar and Brandon Rosenbluth
Real game play design and facilitation: Omsk Social Club
Visual design: Nicola Tirabasso
Production: Projekt Atol Institute
In collaboration with: Šum journal (Društvo Galerija Boks)
Co-production: Museum of Modern Art Ljubljana, International Centre of Graphic Arts Ljubljana