What’s Your Truth: Tipping Point

05 – 17 October 2022

The exhibition What’s Your Truth: Tipping Point is a continuation of a long-term project by Sara Bezovšek and Dorijan Šiško in which the artists explore the ideas of contemporary postinternet society and the logic of video games.

The project What’s Your Truth (WYT) questions the practical effects of postmodern relativism while flirting with the consequences of the fragmentation of social consensus and the proliferation of “truths” that characterise society and politics in the age of the internet, algorithmic profiling and social media. In a new chapter entitled Tipping Point, the WYT gaming experience is updated with elements that respond to current socio-political situations, and the space of the video game spills over into the space of the exhibition. The gallery and its “reality” are just another (non-privileged) piece of the iceberg, one part of this world of “many truths” in which everyone chooses/reveals their own. The informational-ideological path of this gaming mission and at the same time personality test leads to several possible conclusions – different mutually exclusive truths – which the player with his/her choices not only determines but also co-shapes, reinforces, and further disseminates.

Opening and guided tour with the artists: Wednesday, 5 October at 19:30

The exhibition will be on view MonFri:
614 October, 16:0020:00
17 October, 12:0016:00


Sara Bezovšek and Dorijan Šiško:

What’s Your Truth: Tipping Point, 2022

Video game and spatial installation

Programming assistance and sound design: Srđan Prodanović

Curation: Tjaša Pogačar

Production: Projekt Atol Institute

Support: Association for Contemporary Art X-OP and KID KIBLA

Special thanks: JP VOKA SNAGA

The project is supported by the Ministry of Culture and the Municipality of Ljubljana– Department of Culture.


Sara Bezovšek je vizualna umetnica, ki deluje na področjih novih medijev, eksperimentalnega filma in grafičnega oblikovanja. V svoji umetniški praksi raziskuje, shranjuje in kolažira vizualne reference, na katere naleti med brskanjem po spletu ter gledanjem filmov in televizijskih serij. Imela je več skupinskih in samostojnih razstav, med drugim v projektnem prostoru Aksioma, galeriji Kamera v Kinu Šiška, v GT22, Osmo/zi, galeriji sloART, DobriVagi in SCCA-Ljubljana. Prejela je študentsko Prešernovo nagrado, sodelovala na festivalu Kiblix, na The Wrong Biennale ter razstavljala v spletni galeriji Feral File. Leta 2021 je prejela glavno nagrado na festivalu FeKK za svoj kratki film www.s-n-d.si , letos pa je bila nominirana za nagrado skupine OHO, s skupino Garnitura sodelovala na BIO27, njen projekt SND predstavili na spletni platformi Do Not Research, sodelovala pa je tudi na festivalu IZIS.

Dorijan Šiško je grafični oblikovalec in multimedijski umetnik katerega praksa sega tudi na področja videoiger, animacije, instalacij, gledališča ter VJ-anja. V svoji praksi se zanima za spekulativne, kritične, eksperimentalne in transmedijske aspekte oblikovanja in umetnosti. Skozi ustvarjanje vizualno-teoretskih svetov v svojih delih raziskuje teme, kot so obrobna digitalna kultura, temne strani interneta, prihodnost človeštva, tribalizem, post-resnica, virtualni svetovi, znanstvena fantastika in popularna kultura. S spekulativno oblikovalskim projektom TRIBE je leta 2019 s pohvalo magistriral iz grafičnega oblikovanja na Akademiji za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje. Prejel je dve Brumnovi nagradi in nagrado TRESK ter je član kolektivov Freštreš in Nimaš izbire. S svojim delom se je predstavil tudi na 34. Grafičnem Bienalu Ljubljana – Iskra Delta.