
05 May – 12 September 2021

Lenka Đorojeviž and Matej Stupica received the main national award intended for young visual artists, the OHO group award, awarded by the Center and Gallery P74 for this work.

Mon-O-Matic is a model of a manufacturing plant without a control centre. It is a prototype that represents the social modes of production. Mon-O-Matic is based on the research of the cognitive precariate’s labour practices, which are characterized by the repetition of automatized motion as part of the human – machine relationship. The model is based on “infinite” multiplication of the manufacturing plant, including all of the entailed office equipment (a computer screen, a table, a chair, writing implements, a book, a computer mouse & keyboard, etc).

The precisely coordinated operation of all of the auxiliary levels mimics the principles of action within contemporary societies and the absurdity of the environment within which the communication capitalism is reproduced. The gradual self-destruction of individual work stations also represents the condition of permanent technical innovation within fordism and postfordism which demand a radical consumption of energy.

The machinery’s sound, which is one of Mon-O-Matic’s fundamental elements, is the result of programmed motion of technical prosthesis and metallic constructs, within which the cognitive precariate is entailed. Mon-O-Matic is thus a model that exposes the socio-technical system of mass consumerism as the principal factor of social construction of reality.

Presented at
MAXXI, Rome, IT, 2021
+MSUM, Ljubljana, SI, 2015
P74, Ljubljana, SI, 2015


Concept & realization
Lenka Đorojević, Matej Stupica

Electronics & Programming
Brane Ždralo

Technical realization
Martin Lovšin Schintr

Zavod Projekt Atol
Društvo Ljudmila

Igor Remeta
Strip Core

Special thanks
Uroš Veber
Ida Hiršenfelder
Bojan Stefanović
Blaž Božič
Miha Kelemina
Uroš Vovk
Polona Torkar
Tina Dolinšek
Vid Hajnšek


Lenka Đorojević work is a crossover between visual and media art, theory, practice and contemporary philosophy concepts. Deriving from visual arts her artistic practice draw from scientific and artistic research on audiovisual perception to create installation ambiences, set designs and experiential environments and situations.

Lenka Đorojević was born in Nikšić, Yugoslavia/Montenegro. In 2008 she graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina and went on to study additionally at the International Summer Academy in Salzburg, Austria. She received the Master’s degree at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Ljubljana in 2013. She has also completed the School for curators and critics of contemporary art – World of Art, which was organized by the Center for Contemporary Arts – SCCA Ljubljana. She is a contributing author for the Culture and Humanities Editorial board at Radio Študent Ljubljana and a co-founder of the Society for Sound and Visual Art OFFTIR, which was presented at the 7th Triennial of Contemporary Arts in Slovenia. Lenka Đorojević and Matej Stupica’s (L&M) received OHO Group Award 2015. She lives and works in Ljubljana.

Lenka Đorojević

Matej Stupica (born 1987) is an artist, working in various fields of contemporary art and theatre. His work consists of installations, drawings, comics, artist’s books, paintings, illustrations for books, newspaper, music albums etc. In 2014 he graduated at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana with a bachelor degree in painting. Since 2006 he has been publishing illustrations in Objektiv, the Saturday supplement of the Slovenian newspaper Dnevnik. Since 2012 he also works in a tandem with artist Lenka Đorojević. For their work Monomat, they received OHO Award for Young Artists in 2015. He teaches multiple courses at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana. Works & lives in Ljubljana.

Matej Stupica