Circular Chromatography

Krater & osmo/za (Ljubljana) & PIFcamp (Soča)
05 June – 03 August 2024

PIFresidency artist in 2024 is Julian Chollet, a researcher, educator, writer and founder of the mikroBIOMIK Society, who’s going to share his knowledge about chromatography with the local PIFcommunity.

As part of his ongoing research on soil analysis techniques and public participation, Julian is developing a workshop format, formed around circular chromatography, aiming to reconnect participants with the landscapes they inhabit.

Chromatography is a biophysical method for the separation, purification and identification of components from complex mixtures, but it can also serve as an effective tool for soil analysis and education. Due to the aesthetic appeal of the chromatograms and the subjectivity of their interpretation, the technique is perfectly suited to start a conversation – not only between us humans, but also with the plants, minerals and microbes that share our habitat.

Several experimental 2-day workshops are planned as part of the PIFresidency in the degraded landscapes of Krater, a creative laboratory in a construction pit in Ljubljana, and during PIFcamp, in the pristine nature of upper Soča valley. Insights and experiences from these workshops will be collectively reflected and integrated into a compelling educational framework. To disseminate the knowledge and encourage further exploration, an expanded version of mikroBIOMIK’s “Short Guide to Circular Chromatography“ will be published in both English and Slovene.

You can find a pdf version of the booklet at the following link: Short Guide to Circular Chromatography


Production: Projekt Atol Institute in collaboration with Trajna/ Krater.

Financial support: Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and Municipality of Ljubljana.

PIFresidencies are part of Rewilding Cultures project and co-funded by the European Union.


Julian Chollet is a researcher/educator/writer/etc. with a background in molecular biology. He is mainly interested in microbes and the role they play within terrestrial ecosystems. As a member of the Global Hackteria Network and founder of the non-profit association mikroBIOMIK Society he promotes and engages in an open and participatory culture in the natural sciences and beyond.

Julian Chollet