Stefanie Wuschitz


Stefanie Wuschitz, born in Vienna 1981, works at the intersection of research, art and technology, with a particular focus on Critical Media Practices (feminist hacking, open source technology, peer production). She graduated with an MFA in Transmedia Arts in 2006 (University of Applied Arts Vienna). 2008 she completed her Masters at TISCH School of the Arts at New York University and became Digital Art Fellow at Umea University in Sweden. 2009 she founded the feminist hackerspace and art collective Mz* Baltazar’s Laboratory in Vienna. In 2014 she finished her PhD on ‘Feminist Hackerspaces’ at the Vienna University of Technology. She held research and Post-Doc positions at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, the Vienna University of Technology, Michigan University, Weizenbaum Institut, Universitaet der Kuenste Berlin, TU Berlin (Open Science, Berliner Hochschulprogramm DiGiTal) and is currently project leader of an FWF research project on ‘Feminist Hacking. Building Circuits as an Artistic Practice’ affiliated to Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Her works have been exhibited in international venues such as Panke Galerie (Berlin), ART|JOG 8 (Yogyakarta), Bouillants (Vern-sur-Seiche), Austrian Cultural Forum (New York City), Fringe Festival (Taipei), and others.

Stefanie Wuschitz