Simon Turnšek


Simon Turnšek is a member of various collectives, such as Clockwork Voltage, which brings together people interested in modular synthesizers, and OctoSens Community, a community art and research project where participants have created an Arduino-based sensor interface with an internal synthesizer. He lead OctoSens device making workshops, and has participated in two so far, at osmo/zi and as part of the conS exhibition at the Sugar Factory. He is a member of the audio-visual trio Dronišnica, which has presented at many local festivals and events, including the Sajeta and Indigo festivals in Cukrarna, the Clockwork voltage events (in Ljubljana and Nova Gorica) and Slišno in neslišno mesto (Špitalska kapela in Celje). He is currently finishing his studies in Applied Electronics at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana.