Konrad Becker


Konrad Becker, director of the t0 Institute from Vienna and the ‘cultural intelligence’ agency World-Information.Net, has created a number of high-profile projects in the field of progressive cultural practices moving on the border between sound art, psycho- acoustics and elements of contemporary dance and theater art, with his projects passing over time and outgrowing genre definitions and categories and mutating into many by-products and derivatives, from meta-mathematical and performative multi-media installations to industrial-ambient ‘noise’ music , the art of sound programming and the involvement of (modern) dance and theater elements in projects he created in the early period of Rave culture. As an artist, he has been working independently since 1979 in the field of diverse, multi-disciplinary (artistic-technological-scientific) discourses as a researcher of ‘hyper-media’ practices, developer of interdisciplinary content, electronic music and (new) media as a musician, performer, composer, curator, producer and organizer of numerous multi-media productions, exhibitions and events, both independently and within international festivals and programs of various cultural institutions. In addition, he subscribes to numerous publications of printed, theoretical as well as (electronic) audio-visual works, lectures and teaches as a guest at many universities, and participates in various conferences and symposia. He is also a member of the boards of directors and bodies of various institutions in the field of information and communication technologies and art or culture.

Konrad Becker